Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Whither $12.00 Pancakes?

Aunt Jemima, move your fat butt over! Lean, mean, and clean – as in your bank account, after you’re done with the check – are the pancake-happy, fashion-spitting early bird’s culinary preference. This isn’t the Waffle House, even if their $1.98 pancakes blow away the $12.00 pancakes from IHEPP: The International House of Expensive, Pretentious Panckaes. Make sure you call for reservations, because this is one trendy SPOT!

Empire’s veteran sohisticistas will immediately appreciate the value of these indexed-to-rare-earth-elements frying-pan fluffs, but fashion-spitters, who actually have meaningful lives, will find their eyes fixated on the price at first, as they ponder the eternal question: how the fuck can a simple order of pancakes ever be worth $12.00. The answer is simple: when you have them in Manhattan. Much more than the cost of pancake mix is baked into the cost of this delicious dish. For your dozen diminutive dominations, you get to bask in the luxury of the best décor that mafia-connected general-contractors can muster, as you, and your equally snobby companion, linger over every narcissistic morsel. Savor every bite as your “inner Corbin Bernsen” awakens from his coma, and you exit the venue a full-fledged narcissist.

A complete personality makeover for a mere $12.00! In this context, it’s a bargain no self-respecting fashion-spitter could ever pass up!

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